2004-02-27 - 4:08 p.m.

So I was in Veg@s, for my bi-annual work trip, on Sunday. The night of the last-ever episode of Sex & the C1ty. After a morning of work, all the girls decided that we'd get together that night and watch it, in someone's hotel room. Except that as it turns out, Veg@s hotels don't HAVE HBO. Well, the F0ur Se@sons does, but needless to say none of us were staying there. So after much calling around and begging concierges and calling sportsbars, we found the solution. M0te1 6. That's right, nine women left their work-paid luxury hotels, piled in a rental car, and chipped in for the $39.99 room. The M0tel 6 in Vegas, by the way, is horrendous. The bathroom smelled like wet dog, the walls were dirty stucco, and God only knows what those bedspreads have seen. But, hey, it was the FINAL episode. Deb commented, after it was over, that it was slightly ironic - all these Manhattan women watching the last hurrah of their banner show, the one that encompasses (and exaggerates) all that is glamorous about NYC life, in a seedy motel room in Vegas. Heh. It was actually kind of fun, and a few of the new girls bonded with the rest of us, crammed onto two double beds, smoking cigarettes with the door propped open to the parking lot.

The rest of the trip was as usual. Loud music, long days on my feet, dinners and then collapsing into bed. I flew home on Wednesday, a day earlier than everyone else, and met a cute British photographer in the airport. For the record, I would like to state that I never ever met cute men on flights when I was single. Not once.

And one more observation about Veg@s - correction, the Veg@s Strip - men there are pigs. I saw and experienced countless instances of groups of men harassing regular women. It's like men go to Vegas all hepped up for hookers and strip clubs, but they don't seem to be able to shut the behavior off for normal women. Like it spills over, to encompass ALL women, strippers or not. Groups of middle aged men in golf shorts and wedding rings, young guys on bachelor party trips.. it's disgusting, really. Even at work - our fashion show featured models wearing body paint, and you should have seen the throngs for those shows - you'd think they'd never seen a tit before.

I discussed this phenomenon with the abovementioned cute Brit in the airport, who recounted for me his own experience in the Veg@s strip clubs. He told me some of the behavior in there made him ashamed to be a man, which made me want to grab his face and kiss him right there. I didn't, though, because I don't kiss strangers. Anymore.

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