2004-06-09 - 9:56 p.m.

So before I got married, when the boyfriend seemed nervous, I always told him that nothing changes when you get married, that the day after the wedding would be the same as the day before it. We were talking about it afterwards, and I said that I was wrong, that it did feel a LITTLE different, a little more permanent, somehow. To which he replied, "It felt permanent to me before." Oh. Oops. But actually, here's something else that changed, which I didn't say - all the little things that bugged me about him before? Drive me fucking crazy now. Heh. I forgot about that. Something about living with it for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. Seriously, though, not much has changed - we've been together four years now, living together for two -I was talking about this with a girl at work who recently got married, and she agreed. In fact, she said that now that the wedding planning is finally over, they don't know what to do with themselves. They're thinking of getting a dog.

It is hot hot hot here, sticky and humid like it usually is in August, and man, the streets are thronged. This is bad weather in the city, mid summer is when the crime rate goes up, as the heat seems to make people crazy.

Tonight, walking down Greenwich, I saw a homeless man sitting against the schoolyard fence, wearing a bright orange tshirt that read 'still in the game.' A small Asian woman, wearing black capris and pantyhose, with frizzy black hair, walking down 16th Street waving her arms and cursing at no one. And a tall, thin old man wearing baggy khaki shorts, standing on the corner. A car flew past him, close to the curb, and after it was already a block away, he stepped into the street, looked in the direction of the disappearing taillights, and blew a big raspberry, and then held up his middle finger high over his head. But you know, maybe those people were crazy in the winter, too.

And today I got an email from an ex of mine, one I wrote about some time ago (too lazy to go look it up, and too stupid to remember how to link anyway) who I've been feeling guilty and regretful about for years now. I wanted to contact him, to apologize, but felt it was arrogant of me to do so after all these years, so I never did. And today, after a few tentative emails, he called me. Amends have been made. Funny how these things work out.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
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she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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