2004-07-28 - 10:18 p.m.

All this low-carb shit drives me crazy. Not the diet, if low carb works for you then go for it. But the marketing. Every goddamn thing to eat comes in a low carb variety. Low carb cookies! Low carb pasta! Low carb jelly! Low carb pork rinds! I mean, it's INSULTING. Like the beer, right? Low carb beer. All fucking light beer is low carb, dumbasses. I wonder, do people walk through the liquor store, planning to buy nothing, and suddenly see the label and think, YES! Yes! Now THIS is a beer I can drink! It drives me nuts. And I almost starting drinking Bud, just because they put up billboards all over New York reading : All light beers are low in carbs. Choose on taste. Ha. Good one, Bud.

But today I saw the topper. A commercial on TV featuring a woman sitting on her porch, saying that the one thing she really misses on her low carb diet is.....yogurt. And now, with this NEW LO-CARB yogurt, her life is complete again. Call me crazy, but are we supposed to believe that the thing you miss on a low carb diet is yogurt? Not, say, French fries or Belgian waffles or pasta or you know, BREAD, but yogurt. I need a T1v0, badly.

Other than that, I have a busy weekend coming up, starting with Ellen's wedding on Friday afternoon. Right now I should really be digging in my closet to figure out what I'm going to wear, as I'll have to leave from work, but I've been getting home late and not sitting down at night until 11, so tonight I ordered in a burger, put on my pajamas, and watched some bad TV.

My new job is good, actually, and although my new boss, FV, is supremely annoying and egotistical, she's good for the company and actually quite good to work for. I assume that one of these days she'll stop telling me how much she pays for her shoes, and then we'll be golden. Although she can take a little careful ribbing, so I tell her regularly that she better get some flat shoes to keep in her desk, because if there's ever a fire or anything I'm not carrying her ass down the stairs. So it's all all right.

Except the restaurant sent my chocolate shake without the straw. Dammit.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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