2004-08-25 - 6:23 p.m.

I am actually alone at work right now, miracle of miracles, and decided to quickly update before I have to leave for yoga. I broke the news today to my friend J, who just had her second child, and who called me up when her pregnancy was confirmed with, "Hi, Trouble? Good news! Our eggs are still viable!" So she was thrilled, and I mentioned to her that I was going to prenatal yoga, on my drs. recommendation, instead of our usual yoga class. "Psshaw" she said. "I think from now on you better filter everything your dr says through me." This is the girl who was taking Power Yoga with me in her eight month, and just modifying the belly positions. "You can do whatever you want. Look at me. I went to Bikram right until I went into labor. And at the end, when you're supposed to go to the doctor every week? Please. Who has time for that? I just stopped going. And I was just fine. I didn't take any classes or anything, just showed up at the hospital screaming for my epidural. You call me every time she tells you something. I'll be like your doula." Heh.

I am feeling much better, actually, although am still cancelling my long planned LA weekend before heading to Vegas. In the old days, before I was knocked up, this was a typical travel schedule for me, but as it stands, I just think it's way too much. I haven't been sleeping, have I mentioned? I'm a woman on the edge. On Tuesday at the doctor I grabbed the front of her white coat and said, PUH LEASE... give me something. Anything. Must. Sleep. To no avail, though. Her solution? Have a ROUTINE that you stick to, every night, to tell your body to wind down. And drink warm milk. I would rather put a hot poker in my eye than drink warm milk, I'll tell you that for free. I can barely drink cold milk, and I need it to be icy. And have a brownie next to it. (I love you, F@t W1tch brownies.) So anyway, the original, made -months- ago plan was this: Busy week this week, getting ready for Vegas trip for work. Friday night, fly to LA. Saturday afternoon, wedding. Sunday morning, get up at 5am, drive through hellacious LA traffic to airport for 8 am flight, land in Vegas, go straight to work. Work Sunday, work Monday, work dinner and then mandatory party Monday night, work Tuesday, work dinner Tuesday night, work Wednesday, fly home at 7am on Thursday. Unfortunately, there are no options on the Vegas portion of the trip, so I am going to have to cancel the LA leg. And my friend whose wedding it is is going to be PISSED, because he is self centered and high schoolish and will badmouth me at the wedding. Ah, well, such is life.

I'm still procrastinating the phone call, though.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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