2004-08-28 - 11:39 a.m.

You know, I really cannot understand why the Republicans think it's a good idea to have the convention in New York City. We are already the most at risk city in the country in terms of terrorism, and, you know, there's that whole ISLAND thing. I cannot figure out who made this decision - if, God forbid, something happened? It's all over for Bush, for knowingly putting us in danger, no? They've already (supposedly) aborted a subway bomb plot. I, for one, will not be here for most of the week, but, Jesus, where's the logic? No offense, Nebraska, but why not there?? You know, no ports, landlocked, less populated? Call me crazy.

Anyway, as all news media (except maybe in Texas) is reporting, NYers ain't happy. This is an overwhelmingly Democratic city, especially down here. I always say that I'm shocked to see how close the polls are, because everyone that surrounds me is so liberal, so overwhelmingly anti-Bush, that I always get a little jolt of surprise and dismay when I hear that he may actually win re-election. Not that I'm a huge Kerry fan, mind you. He's getting the ABB vote from me (Anybody But Bush)

Anyway, the other day I was in the elevator in my building with two other tenants, and the elevator man was wearing a button that said "dissent is patriotic" so we commented on it, and laughed, and then one of the other tenants, a tall clean cut man in khakis, shook his head and said, "Whew. It's tough being the only Republican downtown." So I laughed and said, oh, you might be able to scare up one or two more if you look hard enough, and then he got off on his floor.

And then yesterday I got in the elevator again, this time with a group of tenants I knew - an older gay couple, a crazy old lady, and the art director who lives on the ninth floor, and they were already talking politics when the doors opened. So I joined in a little, and then, as we approached the lobby, I said offhandedly, "Hey, you know what? We have a Republican in the building." I swear, you would have thought I said cannibal instead of Republican. "WHAT??", they gasped, "WHO??" I don't know him, I said, he must be new. The more outgoing of the couple pressed on, "What floor?" I don't really know, I didn't pay attention. Next time I see him I'll point him out to you." and then I headed toward the laundry room and they headed for the door, buzzing among themselves. I yelled from the door, " Listen to you! I scandalized you, didn't I?"

YES, they laughed, we're still reeling from the shock.

Heh. On second thought, I probably won't point out the Republican, because they'll probably cover his door with protest signs or something.

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