2004-09-23 - 5:04 p.m.

I have a little theory, based purely on personal observation of friends and family who have children. I have noticed that often, the general temperment of the mother while pregnant is reflected in the early behavior of the child. Which sort of makes sense, although there is no scientific evidence to support this. But Jane was a laid back, hippie kind of pregnant woman, and her child is calm and beatific. Kelly was serene and glowing for nine solid months, and her babies slept well and were generally happy. My cousin Samantha was kind of uptight and wound up the whole time, and her kid was kind of skinny and wound up as well, screaming through the first few weeks of life.
My friends, if this is true, I am in deep shit trouble. Because my fuse, already short, is now virtually non-existent. The ear-splitting paging voice of the temp receptionist at work makes me want to run up and tape her mouth shut. The other evening I was driving out of the city to my parents house. Now, I know better than this. Driving out of the city on a weeknight is not an option, unless it is after 10pm, and I suffer from road rage during the best of times. Anyway, after sitting in a line of traffic for 35 minutes on the west side highway, a bus decided that rather than wait himself, he'd cut the line right before the light. Right in front of me. As he started trying to cut in, I hugged the bumper of the car in front of me and cursed under my breath as my blood pressure rose. And you know, being a BUS, he knew full well he could just keep going, because what am I going to do? You can't give a bus a little warning tap, you know? He kept pushing. I honked the horn. As expected, he didn't even turn his head to look at me, but kept trying to inch over. So I leaned on the horn, thereby turning myself into one of those people that I hate, but unable to stop myself, arms locked at the elbow, feeling the blood rush to my head. And when he continued to ignore me, I rolled down the passenger side window of the car and THREW MY WATER BOTTLE AT HIS SIDE WINDOW. Y'all. Really. Not only did it not stop him, I believe I could be arrested for that. Even though it was plastic, and half empty besides, and in no danger of breaking his window. This is no way for a pregnant woman to be behaving. Or a non-pregnant woman, for that matter.
I will say, though, it made him look over, which enabled me to give him the finger and mouth obscenities at him. Not that he cared, but at least I got a little satisfaction out of it. And my anger dissipated, as I spent the rest of the wait worrying that someone would take down my license plate and call the cops on me. Heh.
As for my theory, well.... if I have this kid and he/she is angry and screaming all the time, you can remind me of this.

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