2004-10-05 - 9:21 p.m.

Today was root canal day, and I decided to take the whole day off. I spent the morning shopping, and spent way more money than I should have on a couple of belly-fitting sweaters, as of course very few of my things from last year fit. I also bought two pairs of shoes - some pointy flats and those beaded Indian slippers that I've been dying for. I bought them from a man on the street, and while I was browsing his shoes the cops were arresting two crazies at the c1t1bank directly behind me. They had one man, practically foaming at the mouth, up against the outside of the bank, and, right inside the vestibule, a woman of indeterminate age, handcuffed on the floor with a female cops knee on the her upper back. Of course, I needed cash for those shoes, so I waited until people started going in the bank and then went to get my cash. It wasn't a bank, per se, just an ATM station of sorts - but hey, what better time to walk past the lunatics than when the cops are there, right? So as I got my cash I heard the woman yelling at the cop, "Fuck you, BITCH. You MOTHERFUCKER. Fuck you! ", and fighting and bucking. And really, you can almost understand how cops go over the edge, you know? Because let me tell you, if I were that cop I'd have backhanded her after the first 'motherfucker.' Then I went out and asked the shoe man what happened, and he started in on some long convoluted story about how some other woman said something, and someone hit someone else with a bottle, and he jumped in... sorry, I couldn't follow. So I paid for my shoes and left.

And then I walked to the park, because I've been freaking out a little, lately, about leaving work. The plan right now is that I will stay home with the baby, and I'm conflicted about that, to be honest. I have always wanted to do that, I think it's the right thing to do if you can swing it. But I have been working a LONG time. And am used to running a hundred miles an hour, making decisions, running the show. More of my identity than I'd like to admit is wrapped up in that job. So I'm a little leery of staying home all day, taking care of an infant. Which I realize is WAY more work. No coffee breaks, no closing of the office door, no walks around the block for sanity. But of course I realize there's no way to know until I do it, so today I thought I'd walk by the park and just check out the scene. And you know what? I don't know how I can be bored in this city. There were lots of moms with strollers at the park, and the usual million and two things going on - an art class doing pastels on the west side of the park, M@rio B@tali's 0tto gelato cart on the corner, the old men playing chess, playgrounds swarming with kids. Just going for a walk is both entertainment and exercise, and once I find some liberal at home women I should be fine. Right? Right.

And then I went for my root canal, which I am still numb from, and then to the grocery store, and am taking advantage of being home at 5:30 and making my grandmothers beef soup. Although it makes me a little sad, because when I fish those big marrow bones out of the pot I miss the Freakshow something terrible. She'd lay in front of the stove whenever I made it, just waiting for those bones to come out, and then she'd attack them for days. And now I just throw them out. *sniff*

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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