2004-10-19 - 9:42 p.m.

Not much is going on here, but I feel like I need to post something, at least for posterity.
Tomorrow afternoon is my amnio; I will go to work in the morning, which is busy as always, and then go right from there. I am not really worried about it, but it's hanging over my head nonetheless, and has prevented me from sleeping well the last two nights. I'll be glad when it's over.

Last week we had to go for a genetic testing counselling session, or, as I like to call it, a Scare-The-Living-Crap-Out-Of-You seminar. Really, why can't I just be ignorant? I know what the risks of amnio are, but in my mind the test itself was really to determine Downs Syndrome or severe birth defects. At the session, they thoughtfully provided me with at least 12 other things to worry about now. In addition, my OB (who I LOVE) told me that the two weeks until the results come in will be the longest of my pregnancy, unless I go past due date. Gee, thanks. I wasn't worried before, but now all kinds of seeds of neuroses have been planted. Anyway.

Am feeling good now, but a bit sluggish and lazy - it's been kind of rainy and cold, so I haven't been walking to work, and I haven't been going out much afterward, either. I spent three long days on the west coast last week, and my recovery time is now much longer than it used to be - I came home at 2am on Thursday morning, and don't think I caught up on my rest until Sunday. Sad but true. And tonight I went out with my ex coworker Sarah to R0s@ Mexic@n@, where we ate an entire bowl of made at the table guacamole. Before dinner. It was good to catch up with her, and we've both been promoted to the same job at different companies, so it's interesting to compare notes. AND, she has just started trying to get pregnant. Or not not-trying, anyway. And you know, once you're knocked up you're all for all your friends joining the club. No sense suffering alone.

And speaking of, while I was waiting for her outside her office, a woman walked by with a toddler in a stroller and a small boy she was holding by the hand. Her stroller was laden with bags, and it was raining, and her son, somewhere around 4 years old, apparently was hungry and gearing up for a tantrum, because he made himself dead weight at the end of her arm, crumpling into a heap on the wet sidewalk. She very calmly said, "I know you want something to eat. We need to make the 5:41 train, so if you can get yourself together I will get you something when we get to the train station." He, of course, remained slack, refusing to move as she tried to pick him up and move him along simultaneously. "Did you hear me? Please cooperate, and we will get you something in less than five minutes when we get there. Come on, now, please." And all I could think was, Lord, I hope I have her patience. Somehow I doubt it. Maybe they give that out at the hospital when you have the kid. A girl can hope, can't she?

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