2004-12-28 - 10:35 p.m.

I think I'm having a little post-holiday crash. Not that I'm depressed or sad, exactly - more like wrung out and exhausted.I have not returned a great many Christmas phone calls to my friends, and it's already been three days. I just don't have the energy. But instead of chilling out, as I have this entire week off, I have still been pushing it. After a lovely Christmas (new laptop AND high speed connection, woohoo! Thanks, Santa! yes, I have been using dialup all this time) we did spend the entire day on Sunday in the apartment, aside from a quick bagel and newspaper run in the early morning. But Monday I had two of my cousins come into the city, so I found myself in the middle of the throngs at Penn St@tion at 11am, when I would have much preferred my bed and the food network.

And today, I drove to New Jersey to meet Maria. The plan was that we would go to a baby store so I could pick out some stuff, and then to the mall for a little sale shopping. HA. HA. We did make it to the baby store, but I couldn't pick anything out, because every time I go into one of those places I break out in hives. How am I supposed to know what to get? There are rows and rows of car seats, and strollers, and I get so totally overwhelmed that I can't make any decisions at all. In the stroller aisle I found an amazing one.... and then I looked at the price tag and almost choked. Of course, the rest of them looked crappy to me after starting out with the rolls royce of strollers, so we moved on to the car seats. Um. I guess I better do some kind of research, or bring a TEAM with me next time, because honey, I am clue. less. I did find lots of bedding I liked, though.

And then we went to the mall. A big, giant mall. With big, giant parking lots and parking garages. And NO spots. We literally drove around for half an hour, and then I just said screw it - crowds like that in the parking lot mean crowds in the mall, and I've gotta tell you, I've about had it with shopping this year. I had a few borderline-homicidal trips already, pre-Christmas.

And tomorrow I'll be heading upstate for the rest of the week. So there I will relax. And cook. And return those phone calls. And although it's not in the plan, I might be tempted to pack up my new laptop and bring it with me. Or maybe not - up there, it's still dialup. And now that I've stepped into this century, I might not be able to go back.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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