2005-01-05 - 10:29 p.m.

You know, all week I've been writing entries in my head, even today at work, and I knew I'd be home alone tonight, as M is on an overnight business trip, but now...ppffft. Gone. Like far too many things these days.

One of my oldest friends was in town last night, as her husband was having some very serious surgery. She had called ahead and asked me to hold the evening open, as he'd be in recovery and she might need some company. Everything ended up taking much longer than planned, and she called around 7:30 and told me forget it, he wouldn't be out for a few more hours and she was exhausted and ready to crash.. and then she started crying. She maintained that she was fine and that she'd call me in the morning, but I hung up and decided to go over anyway and try to track her down. I impressed even myself, y'all, finding her in that gigantic hospital complex. I didn't stay long, but I felt better seeing her (and her husband, even though I can't stand his sorry ass)

I am also very glad that that is NOT the hospital I'll be having the baby in. Once I located the right building and went to admitting, they sent me off to his wing. Once there, I walked right in the doors and went to the nurse's station, where around 5 women were sitting around behind the desk talking to each other. I asked for him, one looked it up, and said, Oh, he's in the ICU section, back there, waving her hand, go right through those doors and ask at that nurse's station.

Um, hello? ICU? I practically tiptoed through those doors, trying to make myself as small as possible - I mean, there are SICK people in there. Why are they letting me walk around unattended? Once I got to that nurse's station, I inquired again. And the nurse said, "Oh,I'm not sure. He's supposed to be in bed 9. See where that woman is? Go look right past her."
WHAT????? What kind of schlock ass operation is this? Where is the security? I could have been any kind of crazy, no one even paid any attention. And it was past visiting hours too. Scary. And I thought the one in my neighborhood was bad. (We call St. V1ncents the gunshot hospital.)

Other than that, I had a very relaxing week off and New Years, but now that I'm back at work it's like I never left. Also, I am feeling extremely pregnant these days - I can almost feel my belly stretching. Also, oddly, it almost feels like there's not enough room for him in there - I can feel every single move he makes, 24/7. Which makes for more sleepless nights than I was having already.

I'm also having all those strange pregnancy-related anxiety dreams. You know, like I forget to feed the baby for a whole day. Or I look down and realize I've zipped the baby completely inside a bag. The usual. Except I also had a denial dream the other night - I was on my way to the hospital to (here's the denial part) PICK UP THE BABY, when I realized that I forgot to tell work. You know, that I was picking up the baby and would now be on maternity leave. Ah, if only. I'm not putting much stock in these dreams though, since I also dreamed that Ush+er was my trying to be my boyfriend. Heh. And I don't even like him.

Although I did hear that he dug middle aged stick women with watermelons tied around their middles.

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last five entries:
done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
late, but heartfelt - 2005-09-13
she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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