2005-03-17 - 8:40 p.m.

This morning, at my tiny neighborhood post office, I stood in line behind a man in his forties, whose six year old daughter was lingering in the vestibule, ignoring his hand motions signaling her to come join him. As we stood there (only 2 slooooow ass attendants working, of course) another woman came in, older than he, with a boy about the same age as the little girl, and he joined her in the tiny vestibule, while the woman joined our line.

The kids were clearly visible from where we stood, as the vestibule is glass, and then another woman came in to get stamps from the machine there. The two kids, meanwhile, were jockeying around her for position, tugging on her coat, standing in the way, and trying to press buttons on the stamp machine. While their parents STOOD IN LINE AND WATCHED, chatting to each other. The woman says to the dad, "She's being very nice to them. Some people like kids, and some don't. You can always tell."

I almost smacked her in the back of the head with my package. I don't understand this - people who let their kids run wild (in the city, no less) and stand around and think everyone else should find them adorable and fascinating. And if I ever do any such thing, you are all free to email me and kick my cyber ass, ok? It would be one thing if they at least came over and TRIED to get their kids out of her way. If it were me, and that happened, (and it has) I would tell the parents that it was fine, no problem, they weren't in the way. But to have them randomly pushing buttons on the machine and getting tangled in my legs while I was trying to buy stamps while their parents stood by and WATCHED? Oh.no.

So my friend K called me today to see how I was doing, and she asked me if I was "nesting" Heh. I told her if sitting around the house all day reading journals in my robe before calling my old cleaning guy to see if he can come next week, then yes, I'm nesting. The truth is, I'm at the point where I'm paralyzed with all this baby shit. I have washed all the clothes, and filled the dressing table and the dresser. I have put the clothes that he'll need to grow into in bins in the front closet, put his books in a basket, his toys in another, and cleared two big shelves for all the other miscellaneous stuff. But now I'm at an impasse. I look at the dressing table and think, do I need all this stuff in here? Should blankets be here, or in the dresser? Should I put them in a basket instead? Do I need the 6 month onesies out? For Christ's sake, people, I'm like a lunatic. Two days without a job and I can no longer make a simple decision. Why? Because I don't know what I'm doing, that's why. No idea what I'll need when.

And I live in fear of becoming one of those women, you know. I've been reading a bunch of these new-mom blogs lately, and I am very, very frightened, I cannot lie. Today I read multiple posts about how a woman was comparison shopping for her son's Valentines Day outfit (yes,I read archives) but didn't want to pull the trigger on the outfit at one store (rhymes with Crap) until the new Valentines stuff came out at a competitor. Not because she was checking prices, but because she wanted to see which one was cuter. For Valentines Day. Um. Two weeks spent on this. If I didnt have a whole bunch of regular, smart ass moms on my daily reading list (hi Beck!) I'd really be sweating it. Meanwhile, I'm online looking at onesies that say 'I might barf' on them, and wondering if my kid will fit in one of those Mommy Wants A New President tees while W is still in office.

Ok, that's all I got. Tomorrow? Tomorrow I have PLANS, so I will have to be up and out early, before I get sucked into the internet and daytime tv.

Oh, and remember my old cleaning Adonis? From way back? Well, he's going away tomorrow, but he has apparently expanded his cleaning business, and now has three other guys working for him. I have my suspicions about this whole venture, but am keeping them to myself until I meet the new guy. Monday morning. I'll keep you posted.

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done - 2005-09-16
playgroup, my ass - 2005-09-15
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she lives - 2005-08-18
cheese me - 2005-05-20

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